Project History

The current Fire House and Municipal Complex project has its roots in two significant needs that have arisen in the past decade: The expansion of the Irvington Fire House and an updated entrance into the Irvington Theater.

Irvington Fire House

Originally built in 1965, the Irvington Fire House has been unable to meet the needs of a modern fire department for many years. See comparison pictures from 1972 to today.

Since 1990, the Village has been studying ways to address the safety and operational issues for the Irvington Volunteer Fire Department. 

In order to address those concerns, in 2012, a study was conducted to analyze the needs of the Irvington Fire Department. Based upon those spatial needs, it was determined that in order to expand the current fire headquarters on the existing site, the result would be a three-story structure approximately 57 feet tall. It was further determined that by acquiring the property immediately to the west of the current fire headquarters (86 Main Street), the plan would provide expanded truck bays and would not need to be three stories.

At the time of the 2012 study, a few alternate sites were examined but rejected due to the excessive cost for acquisition. 

Still pursuing the expansion of the current fire headquarters, in March 2020, the Village acquired 86 Main Street in an open-market transaction. The property continues to be operated as a rental property. Of the 3 residential apartments in the building, one remains occupied. In addition, the commercial rental on the first floor remains occupied.

Irvington Theater entrance

In 2017, the Village commissioned a study to explore the feasibility of creating a new entrance on Main Street for the Irvington Theater. The study recommended an addition to the east side of the existing Village Hall building, extending on to the Main Street School property. The recommended addition had an estimated cost of approximately $4 million. Rolled forward to 2025 costs, the project would likely approach $6.5 million. 

Current Fire House and Municipal Complex Project

With 86 Main Street owned by the Village, it was determined that acquisition of the property immediately to the west (84 Main Street) would unlock the ability to address a wide range of critical and important needs. 

Read an overview of the project along with a detailed list of critical and important needs.